There is no one here to suffer… this perplexing truth remains out of reach until the mind is purified. With a clear mind, nothing is impossible. Wealth, power, and fame become attainable.


Our beliefs are founded on the origin of our existence. We value them above anything else


We are constantly looking out for you. The human species is safeguarded and preserved by a coalition of its most elite members known as the Illuminati.


The Eye of Providence strongly evokes the image of an intrusive authoritarian Big Brotherhood.


Each person is steered by an inner compass that directs them towards the Light, uncovering truth and providing guidance when making choices.


Every human is one part of a larger, eternal design – individual gears in a clock that has no end. Though they may never realize it, a person’s actions have the power to alter the future of the entire world.


Above all, individuals of all faiths are welcome, provided they believe in a Supreme Being. Members of the Illuminati family strive to better themselves and assist others, not out of obligation, but out of genuine desire. This critical difference ensures that our members give of themselves freely and seek nothing in return.


We appreciate your interest in our organization. Use our official website for details on our members, contact information, how to join the Illuminati, our beliefs, message archives, and more.

Since the formation of the Illuminati, many citizens have inaccurately portrayed our organization in a negative manner. These misconceptions have been perpetuated for centuries through videos, photos, articles, books, and unofficial online resources claiming to understand our mission and members. In creating this online destination, we strive to alleviate the concerns voiced by the people of this planet and provide insight into our goals and operations.

Making you not to worryEnsuring the survival of over 7 billion humans is a daunting task. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. To continue functioning throughout societal and generational changes, The Illuminati’s operations often require anonymity for both our members and our work.

In 2013, the Illuminati authorized the formation of the Department Of Citizen Outreach. Through various initiatives and campaigns, including this website, the modern Illuminati has committed itself to further our relationship with our citizens.
You may not find us praised in any history book or document. However, the Illuminati has helped with every major movement on this planet since the first human government was established. Our work is often marked by distinct symbols as a means of tracing our influence through history for those wishing to investigate.
With gentle guidance from our organization, the human species is allowed to function in their natural order while playing the part of gears in a machine for the betterment of the world.

YES! After signing up for your membership, you will be joining millions of people who follow the light.

People from all walks of life have committed themselves to the Illuminati’s global work for the betterment of the human species. By forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical, or political beliefs, followers of Illuminati Planet strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.


All people, in all places, are eligible to apply for Illuminati membership. Initiates are required to take any vows of loyalty, and commitment